Sexy Momma

I just wanted to say that I appreciate this website! The pictures are amazing and the more I go to Walmart, the more I see these people!! Makes me laugh till I damn near pee my pants♥ Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Dudes, Seriously. How mean can you get. How do you sleep at night? What if these people see themselves on the site? I think you guys should take a loooong look at your lives and see what messed you up.


So this new Walmart was opening just down the road from my high school. It received a lot of news coverage because it took up a whole bunch of land and people were worried about the social status of having a Walmart in a mainly conservative town; what they didn’t realize is how many jobs […]

Some People Say Cucumbers Taste Better Pickled

I have been a cashier at walmart for only a short time, when a young maybe about 15 year old girl walks up to the 20 items or less aisle with 4 items. one of those large cucumbers in shrink wrap and four boxes of condoms… I smile a completed the transaction in silence. At […]