Snap Into A Slim Jim!

I made the mistake of going to the local Walmart past 10pm and right after the first of the month. I was back in the baby department when I heard yelling and shouting towards the front of the store. So, being the curious, drama loving woman that I am, I went towards the noise. I […]

No Running

Last night I had to stop at Walmart after getting off work late. I got the items I needed and went to check out the video game area, like I usually do. On my way over I was passed by about 5 giggling teenage boys about 15 or 16 years old. They were holding various […]

Fun With Animals

I was a CSM in a brand new store that was pretty understaffed. Most of my lunches had to be covered by my support manager, or any assistant manager who was feeling nice. One day when I came back, my support manager shoved the palm pilot and the schedule board into my hands and semi-yelled […]

We Found Captain Winky!

It was a wonderful morning at the local Walmart. I had worked for them for about 6 years at this point. I had seen some some funny stuff in my time, but this one took the cake. We had just opened the store and a wonderful woman walked in wearing a white tube top and […]