people of walmart: shop & awe – reviews
“Just when I’d lost all faith in single-themed photo blogs, one pops up that’s absolutely genius.”
~ Comedy Central’s Tosh.0
“Bottom Line: Would I buy People of Shop & Awe? You gotta be kiddin’!!! I’m tacky enough to give a copy to everyone I know — it’s the gift that keeps on giving.”
~ BlogCtitics: Books
“My favorites feature [In the Book] a WalMart wedding and various animals inside the store, including a monkey, a cat and a goat. The question I kept asking myself is “What were these people thinking?”
~ popcultureguy
“Sometimes small gifts fall into your lap and that my friends is what People of Walmart is, a gift.”
~ bleedingCool
“Incredibly hilarious! I opened the book to find some of THE funniest photos I’d ever seen – all taken within the confines of Walmart stores and parking lots”
~ Simply Stacie
“If you still read books (or even if you don’t – this one is mostly pictures), this book seems to be a fun choice.”
~ Every Joe
“I LOVE this book and site!! These boys are hilarious!”
~ Blair Sabol:
“Funny/awful/retina-burning glory that is…[The book] celebrates the patrons of the big box store we love to hate”
~ salon
“As for belly laughs, there are plenty, as the woman who seems to have back boobs or the half naked man in the parking lot showing off his butt“
“Kids, get ready to revamp your Christmas lists”
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