
So this new Walmart was opening just down the road from my high school. It received a lot of news coverage because it took up a whole bunch of land and people were worried about the social status of having a Walmart in a mainly conservative town; what they didn’t realize is how many jobs it created… anyways, I guess my principal decided that for the grand opening the band, color guard, and choir should all go down the street and perform for all the costumers. So the store opened at like 9:00 am on a tuesday so the band, color guard and choir got in the school busses and headed to Walmart. I was part of the choir so, yes I had to go to this opening. We got there and unloaded off the busses and walked in. Near the produce section next to a stand full of ripe strawberries was a small stage. We soon realized there were no costumers the whole audience was Walmart employees or like people who worked for the walmart corporation higher up. We also found out we weren’t the only people to put on a show. There was also the city’s baseball team mascot and a local university’s cheer team. so after some old guy spoke about the new Walmart he introduced us and we sang the national anthem and then the band played followed by the cheer team. All of the students got really excited because now that we were finished we could go shop, but our choir director said we must go back to school and that we couldn’t shop so there was only one good thing about singing at the opening of a walmart… skipping school!

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