Fanny Packed In Tight
Let’s see if you can spot one thing that is NOT wrong with this picture. Texas
The Cat’s Ass
That is absolutely ridiculous! Everyone knows cats don’t wear jackets. Do some research before you go out. Iowa
Now That’s Dedication
A few weeks ago I was doing some late night shopping at Walmart. As I was walking out the door, I heard some yelling and commotion behind me. I spun around and saw a very large plasma screen HDTV balanced on a shopping cart coming at me really fast. I jumped out of the way […]
Secret Code
In my younger days, I worked for a while at Walmart. Yeah, Good ole Wally World. Well one day, we had a shortage of floor associates and I was sent to work in the dressing rooms answering phones, to give that associate a break. The garden shop called and asked that I please send a […]