
I refuse to believe that these people don’t know how ridiculous they look! It’s hysterical!! Lol Man I’ve made fashion mistakes too, but DAMN!!! These people are just too FUNNY!!! 😀

A Date With Jill

My college roomate and I decided to go to Walmart at 3 am to buy supplies for a beer bong. (Yes, we were fitting in well with the other Wal-creatures) When we got to the checkout line, there was a creepy-looking 60-plus year old man in front of us. The man had 3 items: a […]


First off, I LOVE your website, and have shared with any of my friends who appreciate the best of humor! I am glad that I wasn’t the only person who used a camera phone for taking creep pictures of the MANY many ridiculously-dressed people in this world. I spend many breaks at work covering up […]