Boob Tooth
So I’m walking through the Wally World parking lot towards my car and a woman up ahead catches my attention due to her loud conversation. As she approaches my direction, I assume she is talking on a blue tooth ear piece since she’s not holding a cellphone. As I pass her, I realize she is […]
Pickin’ Your Boogers And Flickin’ ‘Em
I never thought I would have a story for POW, I don’t really shop at Walmart. I do occasionally go to a Walmart Neighborhood Market. Which is basically a grocery store only- very few non food products- just the same type of things you would see at a normal grocery store. Anyway this store is […]
Sampling The Goods
My friend and I were wandering through the liquor section of Wal-Mart (she was getting wine coolers, I was obediently pushing the cart) when we came across a bottle of vodka that someone had taken a swig or two out of and put back on the shelf. Later that same trip, we saw someone had […]
I work at a Wal-Mart and it’s awesome to know that Wal-Mart breeds it’s own specialty brand of customers, even in other states. What more can you ask for? Then have a site that delivers all this epic awesome-ness for everyone to enjoy and laugh it, it’s truely the best thing ever.