Bag Handler

So this one time I went into Walmart and there was an old guy handing out the carts. He asked me if I wanted one and I sarcastically said “No, I want a guy to walk behind me and carry my bags.” The guy apparently didn’t know I wasnt for real and he actually had […]


One evening as I was going to Walmart after my classes at GSU, it happened. I was walking down an aisle when I stumbled upon what looked like a man on the floor. I went back for a closer look, and there was a man and woman on the floor rolling around making out. I […]


why would you people do this to people by taking pictures of them! Lke if some one dyes thier hair a weird color you are just going to put that on there with out asking them! Like people dress that and you make fun of that! Thats just wrong you people should be happy that […]