Sampling The Goods

My friend and I were wandering through the liquor section of Wal-Mart (she was getting wine coolers, I was obediently pushing the cart) when we came across a bottle of vodka that someone had taken a swig or two out of and put back on the shelf. Later that same trip, we saw someone had […]

Boob Tube

The family and I was in our local Wal-Mart looking for some movies for movie night, while my mom was looking at the romantic movies, my dad and brothers were looking at the action movies. I could not help but notice a guy and I am guessing his girlfriend walking together. What puzzled me was […]

That’s Doo Doo Baby!

My sister used to work at one of the local Walmarts that happens to be on a side of town with a high immigrant population. This leads to many misunderstandings and sightings Americans might find culturally odd, no more, however, than what she witnessed one day. She was a cashier and during slow times of […]

Breakin’ Fingers

While at Wal-Mart, I overheard a mother yelling at her son, who was attached to the cart by a leash-like device and was touching everything that his 2-foot radius would allow. After ripping something out of his hands, she yelled (loud enough for all within a 200-ft earshot range to hear), “IF YOU DON’T STOP […]