I was grocery shopping with my daughter & grandma at my local Walmart. My daughter was barely two at the time so she sat in the cart. I was going through the aisles when my grandma realized she forgot something so she left the aisle I was in. I went to grab something off the shelf (while taking my hands off the cart for a split second) when all of a sudden some guy grabbed my shoulder. In the creepiest voice imaginable he proceeded to tell me to keep close eye on my daughter because his was kidnapped that very same day. In complete shock all I could fathom was “I’m sorry” and tried to hurriedly get away from him. He then said he’d help “keep an eye out for me” and followed me the next two aisles. Once my grandma returned I whispered to her to get out of here, don’t ask any questions. I grabbed my daughter and left the cart full of stuff. I told my grandma the story in the car (she’s very naive) and she said “Maybe he was just warning you,” but I told her why would a guy who’s daughter was just kidnapped be trolling the aisles of Walmart?